ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – District Commander Lt. Col. James Booth recognized geographer Doug Walther for his GIS support to local fire and emergency management services, Oct. 3, 2016.
In 2003 and 2004, fires in the Albuquerque area Bosque destroyed riparian woodlands and threatened homes and businesses adjacent to the Rio Grande. Since then the District has been involved in measures to reduce risks to the public and especially to the first responders that the public depends on to protect life and property.
One such measure the District has worked on is the creation of a map book of the local Bosque area with all known hazards, routes, and fire hydrants identified. Begun in 2004, these map books that document jurisdictions, fire department locations, road access points, water hydrants, jetty jack lines, and other local information, have played an important role for first responders responding to emergencies through the Albuquerque reach of the Rio Grande Bosque.
The 2016 edition, titled "All Hazards Bosque Runbook," is the third revised edition of what was primarily initiated for fire responders but has now been expanded to include information aimed to also augment water and recreational trail emergencies.
For half the cost of a commercial contract, the 2016 edition was prepared by the District’s Geospatial Unit personnel in cooperation with several emergency stakeholders coordinated by Albuquerque's Wildland Division Coordinator, Brian Fox.
This collaboration also provided an opportunity for the District’s Geospatial Unit to display the exceptional talent of resident cartographer Doug Walther.
“Walther’s efficient packaging of the content found in this map book is commendable and is a major contribution to this project's success,” said John Peterson, Geospatial Unit leader.