The work plans prepared for RAMS projects to be performed by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers personnel consist of two documents, the RAMS Site Safety and Health Plan (SSHP) and the RAMS Work Plan. The RAMS SSHP discusses all of the safety requirements related to the RAMS projects. The RAMS Work Plan contains a more complete discussion of the RAMS program, along with a thorough discussion of:
sampling requirements;
field quality control;
chemical data quality objectives;
project organization and quality control responsibility;
laboratory analytical and preparation procedures;
sample collection, handling and documentation procedures;
preventative maintenance procedures;
calibration procedures and frequency;
corrective action;
data reduction;
standard operating procedures; and
field equipment manuals.
A brief Site Specific Addendum (SSA) will be prepared for each of the specific project sites, will reference the general Work Plan and SSHP, and will contain any additional procedures, chemical analyses, safety requirements, etc. that are not specifically identified in the general work plans. This approach will greatly reduce costs associated with preparation of work plans for these projects and increase the funds available to perform the field work and prepare reports. The SSA will describe the media, locations, analyses, frequencies, and techniques associated with the major field tasks for that project and will be used in conjunction with the RAMS Work Plan.
The RAMS General Work Plans are provided in PDF format below and can be accessed by clicking on the title of the document under the specific project web site. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view these documents and may be downloaded free of charge from the Adobe Acrobat web site by clicking on Adobe Acrobat Reader above. Disclaimer: The appearance of an external hyperlink does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) of this web site or the information, products, or services contained therein. USACE does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at this location.
The RAMS Work Plans may be accessed by clicking on the respective titles below.