
Click here for the current recreation status at all our lakes.

Lakes & Dams Information


Contact the District Office

Albuquerque District Office

Phone:  505-342-3373


Please NO product sales or services solicitation

Mailing Address:

4101 Jefferson Plaza, NE

Albuquerque, NM 87109

Directions to the District

Collapse All Expand All
Expand List item 1188Collapse List item 1188  Coming from the East or West
  • Take I-40 to I 25 interchange in Albuquerque
  • Merge onto I-25 N toward I-40/Downtown/Santa Fe
  • Take EXIT 229 toward Jefferson St.
  • Merge onto Pan American East Freeway NE/Frontage Rd N.
  • Take the 1st left onto Jefferson St NE  If you reach Lincoln Rd NE you've gone about 0.1 miles too far.
  • Go 0.8 mi turn left onto Jefferson Plaza NE
  • 4101 Jefferson Plaza NE is on the right
Expand List item 1189Collapse List item 1189  Coming from the North
  • Merge onto I-25 S toward Albuquerque
  • Take EXIT 231 toward Ellison-San Antonio/Osuna
  • Merge onto Pan American West Fwy NE/Frontage Rd S.
  • Turn right onto Osuna Rd NE
  • Take the 1st left onto Jefferson St NE
  • Go 0.3 mi and turn right onto Jefferson Plaza NE
  • 4101 Jefferson Plaza NE is on the right
Expand List item 1187Collapse List item 1187  Coming from the South
  • Merge onto I-25 N toward I-40/Downtown/Santa Fe
  • Take EXIT 229 toward Jefferson St.
  • Merge onto Pan American East Freeway NE/Frontage Rd N.
  • Take the 1st left onto Jefferson St NE  If you reach Lincoln Rd NE you've gone about 0.1 miles too far.
  • Go 0.8 mi turn left onto Jefferson Plaza NE
  • 4101 Jefferson Plaza NE is on the right

Albuquerque District Recreational Resources


Nationally, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers manages 4,340 recreation sites at 456 lakes and reservoirs in 43 states. 

Albuquerque District Map showing the location of its recreation sites

Reservation Information

Reserve your favorite U.S. Army Corps of Engineers campsite any time, day or night, online at:

You can also reserve by phone, toll free, at 1-877-444-6777

Phone lines are open from 8:00 a.m. to midnight (EST), seven days a week.

Click here for Discount Pass information  

Recreation for the following is a partial list of lakes managed by the State of New Mexico: Conchas, Elephant Butte, El Vado, Heron, Navajo, Santa Rosa, Storrie and Sumner. If you need information please call 505-476-3355 or go to their webpage at to locate a full list.

Geocaching is permitted on Corps lands only with express knowledge and approval of the project manger for that project. For project manager contact information please click the project's contact link.

Water Safety Tips

Protect Your Waters and Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers!

One part of protecting our water resources is addressing the spread of invasive species like the zebra mussel. Invasive species can hitch a ride on clothing, boats, and other items used in the water, spreading from one body of water to another. You can help stop aquatic hitchhikers. For more information click here.
Abiquiu Dam Cochiti Lake Jemez Canyon Dam Galisteo Dam Trinidad Dam John Martin Dam Santa Rosa Dam Conchas Dam Two Rivers Dam