
WRRDA 2014, Section 1002 - Consolidation of Studies

This section amends Section 905 of the Water Resources and Development Act (WRDA) 1986 to establish a single phase cost-shared study process and that for each feasibility study undertaken, the district engineer will develop a detailed study schedule and to notify the non-federal interests. The reporting requirement is applicable to active studies that received investigations funding from October 1, 2009, to June 10, 2014, or within 90 days of signing Federal Cost Sharing Agreements for studies initiated after June 10, 2014.

A copy of the letters and an overview of study schedule milestones are posted below.  

Albuquerque District Map

Map of the USACE-Albuquerque District

Project Name alternative milestone conference Tentatively Selected Plan  Agency Decision Milestone Senior Leaders Panel Briefing  Signed Chief's Report 
Middle Rio Grande Flood Protection, Bernalillo to Belen, N.M.   Complete Complete Complete Complete

Española Valley, Rio Grande and Tributaries, N.M.

  Complete Complete Complete Complete
Rio Grande Basin Ecosystem Management Program, Sandia Pueblo to Isleta Pueblo Complete Complete Oct. 2, 2018 May 22, 2019 Aug. 22, 2019

More Project-Specific Information

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Expand List item 36055Collapse List item 36055  Rio Grande, Sandia to Isleta Pueblo, N.M.

This prRio Grande Sandia to Isleta Pueblos Restoration Project Reachesoject will restore bosque (woodland riparian forests) ecosystems along a section of the Rio Grande from Sandia Pueblo to Isleta Pueblo. Additional sites within the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District (MRGCD) will be assessed for restoration opportunities.

The sites total approximately 100 acres on Sandia Pueblo and 120 acres within the Rio Grande Valley State Park that extends from Sandia Pueblo’s southern boundary to the northern boundary of Isleta Pueblo.

This project will improve hydrologic function by constructing high-flow channels, willow swales, wetlands, and restore native vegetation and habitat.

Click here to read the signed Chief's Report.

Click here to see a larger view of the map.

Expand List item 36054Collapse List item 36054  City of El Paso, Texas, Flood Risk Management

Map of the El Paso Flood Risk Management study area Severe storm events cause flooding in the center of El Paso that threatens life safety and damages homes, schools, businesses, public property and public infrastructure, and major interstate highways, roadways, and arteries.

Existing dams need to be assessed from effectiveness, hydraulic, and structural perspectives.

The study area is the watersheds draining the western slope of the Franklin Mountains above the highly urbanized Central Cebada area of the City of El Paso, Texas.

The study will evaluate measures to reduce flood risk for the population of about 700,000 people and public infrastructure threatened by flooding from rainfall events. 

Click here to see a larger view of the map.


Expand List item 36053Collapse List item 36053  Española Valley Ecosystem Restoration Project, N.M.

Map showing the Rio Grande, project area, and tribal boundariesThe Rio Grande and the Rio Chama have been affected by severe channel degradation resulting in the loss of bosque riparian habitat.

The Rio Grande and bosque are an integral part of the environmental and cultural landscape, and their health are fundamentally intertwined with significant cultural practices. The bosque is a place of cultural importance to the nearby tribes of Ohkay Owingeh and the Pubelo of Santa Clara.

The project will directly improve and restore ecological function to nearly 1,000 acres of critical wildlife habitat. The project will indirectly benefit the entire Española Valley, the Middle Rio Grande, and Flyway providing benefits on an international scale.

Click here to see a larger view of the map.

Click here to read the signed Chief's Report.

Expand List item 36052Collapse List item 36052  Middle Rio Grande Flood Protection Project, Mountain View Unit, Bernalillo to Belen, N.M.

Map of the Mountain View Unit area.This project will provide protection to the southern metropolitan area of Albuquerque, and the communities of Corrales, Los Lunas, Bosque Farms, Belen, Mountain View, and the Pueblo of Isleta.

With completion of the Corrales Unit, the Mountain View Unit is the next designated area to be designed and constructed.

The Mountain View Unit is located in Bernalillo and Valencia counties, New Mexico, and extends south approximately 50 miles from the southern border of Albuquerque to just past the southern border of Belen.

Project features include construction of approximately 48 miles of engineered levee, and the creation of approximately 266 acres of riparian habitat in the floodway.

Click here for a larger view of the map.

Click here to read the signed Chief's Report.