Similar language and authority (with section 560) is also included in section 502 of WRDA 2000. This modifies previous authorities found under section 539 of WRDA 1996. This authority allows the Corps to provide technical assistance except in areas where water quality degradation is caused by the lack of sanitary sewers. In those situations, abatement measures are authorized. Section 502 authorized reclamation and water quality protection projects for the purpose of abating and mitigating surface water quality degradation caused by abandoned mines. Section 502 (a) 4(D) identified Soda Butte Creek, Silver Creek, and Elkhorn Mountain drainages in Montana. Senator Bachus listed these sites in legislation but reportedly did not intend to limit efforts in Montana to these sites.
Restoration Projects, Section 502
(a) IN GENERAL.--Section 539 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1996 (110 Stat. 3776-3777) is amended
in the section heading by striking ''MARYLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, AND WEST VIRGINIA'';
by striking ''and'' at the end of subsection (a)(1)(A);
by striking the period at the end of subsection (a)(1)(B) and inserting a semicolon; and
by adding at the end of subsection (a)(1) the following:
''(C) the Lackawanna River, Pennsylvania;
''(D) the Soda Butte Creek, Silver Creek, and Elkhorn Mountain drainages, Montana;
''(E) the Pemigewasset River watershed, New Hampshire;
''(F) the Hocking River, Ohio; and
''(G) the Clinch River watershed and Powell River watershed, Virginia.''.
(b) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.--Section 539(d) of such Act (110 Stat. 3776-3777) is amended-
by striking ''(a)(1)(A) and'' and inserting ''(a)(1)(A),''; and
by inserting '', $5,000,000 for projects undertaken under subsection (a)(1)(C), $5,000,000 for projects undertaken under subsection (a)(1)(D), $1,500,000 for projects undertaken under subsection (a)(1)(E), $2,500,000 for projects undertaken under subsection (a)(1)(F), and $5,000,000 for projects undertaken under subsection (a)(1)(G)'' before the period at the end.-
Restoration Projects, Section 539
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.-The Secretary may provide technical assistance to non-Federal interests, in cooperation with Federal and State agencies, for reclamation and water quality protection projects for the purpose of abating and mitigating surface water quality degradation caused by abandoned mines along-
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.-The Secretary may provide technical assistance to non-Federal interests, in cooperation with Federal and State agencies, for reclamation and water quality protection projects for the purpose of abating and mitigating surface water quality degradation caused by abandoned mines along-
(A) the North Branch of the Potomac River, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia; and
(B) the New River, West Virginia, watershed.
2. ADDITIONAL MEASURES.-Projects under paragraph (1) may also include measures for the abatement and mitigation of surface water quality degradation caused by the lack of sanitary wastewater treatment facilities or the need to enhance such facilities.
CONSULTATION WITH FEDERAL ENTITIES.-Any project under paragraph (1) that is located on lands owned by the United States shall be undertaken in consultation with the Federal entity with administrative jurisdiction over such lands.
(b) FEDERAL SHARE.-The Federal share of the cost of the activities conducted under subsection (a)(1) shall be 50 percent; except that, with respect to projects located on lands owned by the United States, the Federal share shall be 100 percent.
(c) EFFECT ON AUTHORITY OF SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR.- Nothing in this section is intended to affect the authority of the Secretary of the Interior under title IV of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (30 U.S.C. 1231 et seq.).
(d) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.-There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $1,500,000 for projects undertaken under subsection (a)(1)(A) and $1,500,000 for projects undertaken under subsection (a)(1)(B).