E&C Branch / Section

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Expand List item 835Collapse List item 835  Construction Branch, SPAConstruction@usace.army.mil 505-342-3484 or 505-343-6295
Expand List item 828Collapse List item 828  Design Branch  SPADesignBranch@usace.army.mil 505-342-3417, 505-342-3388, or X-3307

            Environmental Engineering Section

            Geotechnical Engineering Section

            Cost Engineering Section            

            Technical Support Section            

            Specifications Section            

            AE Contracts Section

Technical Support Section


  • Prepares designs and plans and specifications using simplified design.
    • "Prepares designs and plans and specifications using simplified design and acquisition methodologies.”
    • “Simplified Design Method (SDM). The SDM is intended for small, non-complex maintenance projects for installations. The basic idea is to use unique and innovative design methods and present these on plans, specifications and design analyses that are printable on a standard copier.”2
    • These designs have typically been simple narrative type descriptions (SOWs, etc.).  TSS has very limited CAD capabilities.
  • Provide independent technical review (ITR) of designed prepared by in-house and A/E’s.
  • Provide Bidability, Constructibility, Operability, and Environmental (BCOE) reviews
  • Provide technical support for SPA and SPL Construction Branch.
    • Provides Submittal Review expertise for SPA construction and SPL projects designed/awarded through SPA.
    • Coordinates Submittal Reviews and RFIs utilizing District Resources.
    • “Provides quality assurance advice and assistance to Area/Resident Offices field office personnel in the resolution of technical problems arising during construction"
    • Maintains current Construction Contract Drawings, Specifications, and Submittal Files for the District.
  • Advise designers on sustainable design.
    • “Prepares designs and plans and specifications using simplified design and acquisition methodologies.”1
    • “Simplified Design Method (SDM). The SDM is intended for small, non-complex maintenance projects for installations. The basic idea is to use unique and innovative design methods and present these on plans, specifications and design analyses that are printable on a standard copier.”2
    • These designs have typically been simple narrative type descriptions (SOWs, etc.).  TSS has very limited CAD capabilities.