E&C Branch / Section

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Expand List item 835Collapse List item 835  Construction Branch, SPAConstruction@usace.army.mil 505-342-3484 or 505-343-6295
Expand List item 828Collapse List item 828  Design Branch  SPADesignBranch@usace.army.mil 505-342-3417, 505-342-3388, or X-3307

            Environmental Engineering Section

            Geotechnical Engineering Section

            Cost Engineering Section            

            Technical Support Section            

            Specifications Section            

            AE Contracts Section

AE Contracts Section


  • Responsible for administration and award of A/E design and professional services contracts for SPA.
  • Coordinates all Engineering during Construction performed by A/E firms.
  • Maintains liaison with A/E firms during life of design contract.
  • Maintains the A/E computer aided System (ACASS) database for SPA.