Abiquiu Lake is a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers managed lake, with recreation areas and a campground. The lake is a 5,200-surface-acre reservoir and offers some of the finest fishing in northern New Mexico. The area includes a fine panoramic view of the Cerro Pedernal (Flint Mountain) from the dam. The scenery of the area includes Pinon (Pine), Juniper and Sage among colorful rock formations. Reptile fossils 200 million years old have been found in the area.
Surrounding attractions include: 
- Ghost Ranch
- Georgia O'Keeffe Museum
- San Pedro Wilderness
- Cumbres Toltec Railroad
- Chaco Canyon
- Bandelier National Moument
- Taos and Santa Fe, N.M.
Fire restrictions have been lifted.
As a reminder, alcohol is NOT permitted at Abiquiu Lake!
Click here to see a bathometric map that shows the deepest parts of the reservoir. NOTE: This document is not to be used for navigation. Lake levels vary. Obstacles and hazards may be present that are not shown on this image. Please use caution when boating.
N.M. Game & Fish weekly fishing report
N.M. fishing regulations
N.M. fishing license information
Geocaching is permitted on Corps lands only with express knowledge and approval of the project manger. Contact Abiquiu Lake for details.
Abiquiu Lake weather

Protect Your Waters and Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers!
Clean, Drain & Dry before transporting your boat or equipment.
Click here for more information.