US Army Corps of Engineers
Albuquerque District Website

RepliWeb Managed File Transfer (RMFT)

AMRDEC, the file exchange website used to send large data files, is no longer being used by the Albuquerque District.  To transfer packages over 10 MB please use the Corps' RepliWeb Managed File Transfer (RMFT) web-based software.  You must first establish an account (that will then be active for 7 days).  Contact your Regulatory Project Manager to request an invitation to create an account and follow the steps below.

Account Setup:

1. After requesting an account, you will receive an e-mail from or titled "Invitation to access ... " 

2. Follow the instructions to create a password. The only required information is your email address (the blanks for first, last and company names are optional but if provided will display on the address book within RMFT).

3. To send your application or any project associated documents within RMFT, click on the "New" icon, enter the email address for your project manager, enter the applicant's name, project, and file number (if available) in the Subject field, click on the "Add" button to add files, then click "Send" to transmit the "package". You can submit additional applications/requests until the system auto-expires your account in 7 days.   


RepliWeb FAQ

Albuquerque District Project Managers:

- New Mexico/West Texas

- Southern Colorado