Photo of District office with hot air balloon in the parking lot


Albuquerque District

Office of Small Business Programs

4101 Jefferson Plaza NE

Albuquerque, NM 87109



Small Business Office

Welcome to the Albuquerque District’s Small Business Office

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Albuquerque District have a strong commitment to the Small Business Program.  We assist firms doing business with the government to ensure small and disadvantage businesses have the maximum opportunity to participate on Albuquerque District contracts. 

Mission Statement

To sustain the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as a premier organization in developing small businesses and maximizing their opportunities to participate in our procurements, thereby ensuring a broad base of capable suppliers to support the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers mission and strengthen our Nation’s economic development.

2025 Business Opportunity Open House

Upcoming Outreach

USACE-South Pacific Division Business Opportunities Open Houses:



  • The Energy, Technology, and Environmental Business Association New Mexico Forum, April 16, 2025, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Registration TBD


USACE-South Pacific Division Small Business Offices

Other USACE South Pacific Division Small Business Offices:

Los Angeles


San Francisco

South Pacific Division

Ombudsman Information

Firms who feel they have been unfairly treated should contact:


Regulatory Enforcement Fairness,

Office of the National Ombudsman,

U.S. Small Business Administration

409 3rd Street, S.W.

Washington, DC 20416

Tel: 886-734-3247

Click the link to access the website

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