Red River
The Red River area is located within the boundaries of the Albuquerque District of the Corps of Engineers. The federal partner with the Corps for this project is the U.S. Forest Service.
The Red River Mine site is located in north central New Mexico. Numerous small mines were developed in the 1800’s in the Pioneer Creek and Bitter Creek watersheds near the town of Red River, New Mexico. Gold and copper were the predominant mineral resource targets in this a rea. Mining activities in these watersheds subsided from their historic peak in the early 1900’s and the mines are now abandoned. The majority of these mines are located on National Forest system lands within the Carson National Forest.
Project Description
For this project, the Corps will develop an Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis for the Red River Mining District that includes the Bitter Creek, Pioneer Creek, and Placer Creek Watersheds in the Carson National Forest, Taos County, New Mexico. Concerns over potential human health, ecological and water quality impacts associated with these mines resulted in the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service partnering with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to to evaluate options for implementing a non-time-critical removal action.
Project Goals
The project goal is to evaluate potential remedial alternatives and recommend the selected alternative for the project area through the preparation of an Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis Report.
Current Status
The Final Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis Report was Submitted to the Corps on September 23, 2003.
Existing Documents
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