One of the highest honors awarded in the Corps is the de Fleury Medal. There are three award levels – Bronze, Silver and Gold.
Three District employees were awarded the Bronze de Fleury Medal June 9.
Chief of Design Branch Scott Hagen’s award citation reads in part, “You have gone above and beyond as demonstrated by your dedication to accomplishing the District’s mission, contributions to the QMS program and leadership of the Mid-Level Managers.”
Barbara Bernal, who has 29 years of service and “has earned great distinction as a role model among her peers,” is lauded for exhibiting the highest standards of accountability, integrity, insight and interpersonal communication in assuring successful financial execution of a complex spectrum of programs.
Pete Doles, supervisory program manager in the Programs Section, was honored for his outstanding leadership and support enabling superior performance and execution of the District’s full spectrum of missions including: civil works program, operation and maintenance of critical infrastructure, and International and Interagency Services Support. He goes above and beyond every day to “make sure the District is ‘built to last’ and our employees are postured for the future.”
The de Fleury Medal honors Francois Louis Tesseidre de Fleury, a French Engineer in the Continental Army. De Fleury’s courage under fire at the battle at Stony Point, New York in 1779 won him the accolades of Congress.
During the battle to recapture the point, the Americans scrambled up the rocky slope with de Fleury in the lead. First over the wall, de Fleury was followed by a wave of American bayonets. Rushing to the flag pole, de Fleury cut the British colors from their staff.
For his intrepid behavior, the Continental Congress awarded a medal struck in his honor. It is understood that the de Fleury Medal was the first Congressional Medal struck, if not the first medal authorized.
On the medal’s front is “A Memorial and Reward for Courage and Boldness” in Latin. In the center appears the image of a helmeted soldier standing amidst the ruins of a fort, holding in his right hand an unsheathed sword, and in his left the staff of the enemy’s flag, which he tramples underfoot.
On the reverse, again in Latin: “Fortifications, Marshes, Enemies Overcome.” In the center the fortress at Stony Point is depicted with both turrets and a flag flying. At the base of the hill are two shore batteries, one of which is firing at one of six vessels on the Hudson River. Beneath the fort is the legend: “Stony Point Carried by Storm, July 15, 1779.”