News Story Archive

  • December

    Regulator Works on Cultural Resource Solution

    As part of evaluating projects under the Clean Water Act, regulatory employees are charged with enforcing permit conditions related to requirements stipulated in the National Historic Preservation Act and other applicable federal laws pertaining to the protection of natural and cultural resources. Such was the case when a District regulator responded to a permit application in 2005 from Ute Lake Ranch, Inc. (ULRI), a private company proposing to build a housing development on the southeast side of Ute Lake in Quay County, N.M. (north of Tucumcari).
  • November

    Cochiti Dam Selected for Maintenance Management Review

    Jacobs Engineering, an independent contractor, was hired in 2011 to complete an assessment of the Corps’ Facility Equipment Maintenance (FEM) National Utilization Plan. According to best practices cited by Jacobs, an organization should be spending 4.8 percent of its budget on maintenance. Right now, the Corps spends about 0.2 percent. As a result of the assessment, Michael Ensch, chief of operations, Directorate of Civil Works, Headquarters, issued a national memorandum concerning the development of a maintenance management strategy. The memorandum detailed the creation of eight pilot studies, one for each of the Corps’ eight divisions, to be completed by November 2012.
  • Albuquerque Team “Reaches Back” to Afghanistan

    Besides continuing to send our employees to assist “in country,” Albuquerque District is now supporting operations in Afghanistan at home by providing design support for four Afghanistan National Army construction projects.
  • District Far Exceeds Small Business Goals in Fiscal Year 2012

    Fiscal Year 2012 was a banner year for the Albuquerque District, as the District exceeded its goals for contracts to small businesses in several categories.
  • District, ESCAFCA Sign Partnership Agreement

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Albuquerque District and the Eastern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Authority (ESCAFCA) signed an agreement Oct. 2 to partner on a geotechnical, hydrological, hydraulic, economic and environmental study of the existing spoil bank levees along the east side of the Rio Grande near the Town of Bernalillo, N.M.
  • Staff Conducts ‘Operation Turtle Eviction’ at Conchas Dam

    The Corps’ Conchas project will be busy with activity during the next few months, as maintenance work is performed on the stilling basin. It has been 40 years since the basin has been cleaned and inspected. However, before the de-watering takes place, rangers and maintenance personnel wanted to make a concerted effort to trap and relocate any amphibious residents living in the basin.
  • Volunteers Improve Lands Managed by the Corps

    Volunteers arrived at the Albuquerque District’s lake and dam locations to help with improvement projects as part of National Public Lands Day (NPLD) Sept. 29.
  • October

    District Cleans Up Weapons Disposal Site at Kirtland

    The Air Force identifies old or unneeded munitions and small arms that need disposed of at sites like the 165-acre Open Burn and Open Detonation site on Kirtland Air Force Base, created in the 1950s. In 2010, when the Air Force decided to close the site, initiating a mandatory cleanup required by regulation, they turned to the Corps.
  • District, MRGCD Sign Cost-Sharing Agreement

    At the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District (MRGCD) board meeting Sept. 10, District Commander Lt. Col. Antoinette Gant presented a cost-share agreement to the board that was subsequently signed by her and MRGCD Vice-Chair Eugene Abeita.
  • District Assesses Dams for Risk Management, Safety

    In 2005, the Corps overhauled how it looks at dams from a solely standards-based approach to a dam safety portfolio risk management approach, according to Suzi Hess-Brittelle, geologist and the District’s dam safety program manager.