News Story Archive

Tag: Albuquerque
  • July

    District’s Deputy Wows Kindergarten Class

    On May 19, Lt. Col. Richard Collins, Albuquerque District Deputy Commander, was invited to the school for a presentation to his son William’s kindergarten class.
  • March

    District Engages in Emergency Roof Repairs at Kirtland

    In early December 2011, a significant wind event damaged the roofs of several buildings on Kirtland Air Force Base. The winds were estimated greater than 50 mph along the flightline.
  • February

    Ceremony Celebrates Simulator Facility at Kirtland Air Force Base

    Albuquerque District Commander Lt. Col. Jason Williams joined officials from Kirtland Air Force Base Jan. 19 to conduct a ribbon-cutting to celebrate a new addition to a facility that will house HC/MC-130 aircraft simulators.
  • January

    Scrutinizing Sediment Deposits at Cochiti Lake

    The effectiveness of Cochiti Dam for sediment control has led to a serious issue confronting the reservoir—sediment deposition is reducing reservoir storage capacity and causing significant aggradation upstream within the Rio Grande channel. Monitoring sediment volume, spatial distribution and rate of deposition is of paramount concern to the District. Consequences for the operation and life expectancy of Cochiti Dam and Reservoir are at stake.
  • Native American Icon Joins Leaders at Planning Session

    The theme for the District’s 2011 Strategic Planning Session Dec. 12 was “Leaving a Legacy,” and session participants were put in the spirit of planning for the future after listening to speaker LaDonna Harris, a resident of New Mexico and historic icon, who has spent years working to better the lives and communities of Native Americans.
  • December

    Corps and Partners Celebrate Bosque Restoration Project

    The Corps of Engineers and six other agency partners gathered at Albuquerque’s Tingley Beach Nov. 18 to conduct a groundbreaking ceremony in celebration of the beginning of the construction phase of habitat restoration work planned for several areas along the Middle Rio Grande.
  • November

    Collaborative Program Celebrates 10th Anniversary

    On Oct. 21-22, the Middle Rio Grande Endangered Species Collaborative Program (MRGESCP) celebrated its 10th anniversary by hosting a two-day event for the public at the Rio Grande Nature Center in Albuquerque, N.M.
  • October

    Corps, Santa Clara Pueblo Sign Historic Agreement

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Albuquerque District and the Pueblo of Santa Clara, New Mexico signed a historic partnership agreement Sept. 21 to conduct a watershed assessment for the Pueblo’s lands in the aftermath of June’s devastating Las Conchas forest fire.
  • June

    Cultural Immersion Course Promotes Introspection

    Imagine being given the opportunity, as part of your work, to step outside your culture and become completely immersed in the culture of another for several days, to be truly welcomed into homes of people who have different beliefs and vastly different historical experience, and to be shown why certain plants, animals and land features play an intricate role in their existence.
  • April

    Remnants of U.S.’s Oldest Highway Crosses Corps’ Galisteo Project

    Route 66 may have its kicks, but a dusty, mostly hidden and sporadic trail winding its way from Mexico City to Santa Fe, N.M. is still king, as the oldest of the Southwest highway systems. For 400 years, El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro, the nation’s oldest and longest “highway,” was the only road into New Mexico and the Southwest, bringing thousands of settlers from Mexico and Spain into the region.