News Story Archive

Tag: water
  • September

    A Community Perspective on the Corps’ Acequia Rehabilitation Program

    In recent years, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has used its authority under the Acequia Rehabilitation Program of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986 to work with the communities, the State of New Mexico and other federal agencies to upgrade many acequias, including downstream of Santa Rosa, N.M., on the Pecos River.
  • July

    Middle East Meets West: The Ebb and Flow of International Water Management

    On July 3, the Cochiti Project office, Albuquerque District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, had the honor of hosting water managers from various countries in the Middle East. The visiting managers represented the countries of Egypt, Iraq, Morocco, Oman, the Palestinian Territories, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and Yemen.
  • May

    District Employees Discuss Dams, Water with Students at Water Festival

    Employees from the Albuquerque Districts’ Trinidad Lake Recreation Area joined more than 40 presenters at the second annual Water Festival at Trinidad State Junior College May 16, 2013.
  • Students ‘Discover Water’ in Pueblo, Colo.

    Corps employees from John Martin Reservoir presented water safety classes to elementary school students attending the annual Discovering Water in Pueblo event May 7, 2013, at the Colorado State University - Pueblo campus.
  • March

    Going Green: The Silvery Minnow, Drought and the Rio Grande

    As signs of spring begin to show in the bosque, environmentalists, biologists and others continue their efforts to understand river flow issues along the Middle Rio Grande. Of particular interest are endangered species in relation to water use and jurisdiction. Within the past three years, the drought has proven to be a constant challenge to create and maintain a balanced environment for the silvery minnow to continue to spawn. Due to the drought, the environment needed for natural spawning is not present.
  • Albuquerque District and Acoma Pueblo Enter into Corps’ Second Watershed Cost Share Agreement

    ACOMA PUEBLO, N.M., -- The District and Acoma Pueblo entered into the District's second Watershed Cost Share Agreement under the Section 203 Tribal Partnership Program.
  • December

    District Regulator Receives Two Awards for Water Work

    Marcy Leavitt, Texas/New Mexico Branch Chief of the Albuquerque District’s Regulatory Division, recently received two honors recognizing her work that has helped protect not just water quality, but also watersheds and headwaters – precious resources in an arid state.
  • New Well at Cochiti to Provide Much-Needed Water

    On Sept. 27 the Cochiti Project’s pump for its water well went out. During the process to replace the 20 horsepower pump, the original well, drilled in 1964, collapsed. A whole new well had to be drilled to restore the water supply, said Cochiti Lake Project Manager Mark Rosacker. If everything goes according to plan, the new well is expected to be online shortly after Thanksgiving.
  • November

    Staff Conducts ‘Operation Turtle Eviction’ at Conchas Dam

    The Corps’ Conchas project will be busy with activity during the next few months, as maintenance work is performed on the stilling basin. It has been 40 years since the basin has been cleaned and inspected. However, before the de-watering takes place, rangers and maintenance personnel wanted to make a concerted effort to trap and relocate any amphibious residents living in the basin.
  • September

    District, UNM Use Physical Modeling to Improve Jemez Weir

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers uses models to reduce uncertainty and to help ensure a structure’s performance will be up to par.