News Story Archive

Author: Elizabeth Lockyear
  • August

    Silvery Minnow Increase

    District biologists continue to monitor habitat restoration sites to learn more about the endangered silvery minnow population. “Observations are that the silvery minnow is doing better this year,” said fishery biologist Michael Porter.
  • July

    Work Begins on New Medical Clinic at Holloman Air Force Base

    District Commander Lt. Col. Patrick Dagon joined the 49th Medical Group, the 49th Medical Support Squadron, and others to celebrate the start of construction on a new medical clinic at Holloman AFB, July 1, 2015, with a groundbreaking ceremony.
  • Multiphase Ceremony Celebrates Milestones in Multiphase Project

    The District participated in a double ceremony celebrating two milestones in the expansion of the Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center, June 29, 2015.
  • May

    Employees Bike to Work

    Approximately a dozen employees participated in National Bike to Work Day, May 15, despite the day’s wet ending with rain, wind and thunderstorms rolling across the Albuquerque area.
  • District Staff Support Water Safety

    Approximately 25 District staff participated in “Wear Your Lifejacket to Work Day” May 15.
  • Operation Clean Sweep Nets 40 Bags of Trash at John Martin Reservoir

    Local volunteers joined staff at John Martin Reservoir to collect more than 40 bags of trash along the south shoreline during a cleanup event May 2.
  • April

    Concrete Canoes Race at Cochiti Lake

    Cochiti Lake was the scene of a unique part of the 44th annual American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Rocky Mountain Regional Conference, April 11, 2015, when 11 of the 14 schools participating in the conference raced concrete canoes at the lake.
  • March

    A Good Relationship to Keep

    Recently the District and the Bureau of Reclamation teamed up to fix some flood damage at the District's Two Rivers project in Southeastern New Mexico. This isn't the first time the two agenices have cooperated.
  • District Showcases Opportunities for Small Businesses at Open House

    Approximately 150 people attended the Small Business Open House hosted by the District Feb. 26, 2015. Special guests included Richard J. Berry, mayor of Albuquerque and South Pacific Division Commander Brig. Gen. Mark Toy.
  • February

    District Helps Students Cultivate Interest in STEM Subjects

    This year’s Central New Mexico Regional Science Olympiad took place at the University of New Mexico’s Johnson Center, Saturday, Jan. 31. District employees have participated in the Science Olympiad as judges and volunteers since 2013 and this year was no exception.