2012 Photo Drive

These photos were submitted in the 2012 annual District employee photo drive. All photos were taken by District employees. 

And The Winners Are...

MOUNTAINAIR, N.M., -- Star trail photo take at the Abo Ruins which is part of the Salinas Pueblo Missions located near Mountainair, N.M. This picture is approximately a 1-hour exposure taken around 1:00 am on Sept. 24, 2012, by Richard Banker. It placed first based on employee voting.
SOCORRO, N.M., -- Bosque Del Apache as seen in this photo taken the evening of Nov. 29, 2009, taken by Richard Banker. This photo place second, based on employee voting.
ANTELOPE WELLS, N.M., -- Sunset taken by an employee near a District project in the region. Photo taken July 25, 2012, by Tom Plummer. This photo placed third based on employee voting.
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., -- The U.S. and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers flags fly in the spring breeze at the Albuquerque District headquarters office building. This photo was taken from the 2nd floor of the building on April 14, 2010. Photo by Paul Rebarchik.

2012 District Photo Drive Entries

JOHN MARTIN DAM, COLO., -- Autumn foliage on the south side of John Martin on Oct. 13, 2012. Photo by Craig Trinkle.
JOHN MARTIN DAM, COLO., --A fox near Rule Creek on Oct. 8, 2012. Photo by Craig Trinkle.
JOHN MARTIN DAM, COLO., -- A group of mule deer below the dam on Jan. 22, 2012. Photo by Craig Trinkle.
GALISTEO DAM, N.M., -- Galisteo Dam looking towards the northeast. Photo taken Aug. 24, 2012, by Richard Banker.
BLUEWATER LAKE, N.M., -- A fisherman shows off his catch June 2, 2012. Photo by Paul Rebarchik.
CONCHAS DAM, N.M., -- Electrofishing the Conchas Dam Stilling Basin. A small team from the District and the New Mexico Department of Game & Fish conducted a fish rescue June 21, 2012, in the lake’s stilling basin in anticipation of draining the stilling basin this summer for an inspection of the dam by the District’s Operations Division. Photo by Michael Porter.
CONCHAS DAM, N.M., -- A small team from the District and the New Mexico Department of Game & Fish conducted a fish rescue June 21, 2012, in the lake’s stilling basin in anticipation of draining the stilling basin for an inspection of the dam by the District’s Operations Division. Photo by Michael Porter.
COCHITI LAKE, N.M., -- While at the District’s Cochiti and Tetilla recreation areas July 22, 2012, the photographer met Lulu who loves to go kayaking. Lulu ALWAYS wears her life jacket. Photo by Karyn Matthews.
BERNALILLO COUNTY, N.M., -- Albuquerque District employee Ronnie Casaus sets up survey equipment on Bryan Estvanko’s off-road wheelchair to survey material quantities on the Rio Grande Bosque Levee on Sept. 23, 2012. Photo by Gary Edwards.
BERNALILLO COUNTY, N.M., -- Bryan Estvanko surveys using equipment set up by fellow District employee Ronnie Casaus. Taken Sept. 23, 2012 on the Rio Grande Levee in the Bosque by Gary Edwards.
JOHN MARTIN RESERVOIR, COLO., -- Deer pause for a photo in the snow on the south side of the John Martin project office during the 2011-12 winter. Photo by Debbie Schibblehut.
JOHN MARTIN RESERVOIR, COLO., -- District employee Debbie Schibblehut caught a squirrel at the bird feeder on the north side of the project office during the 2011-12 winter.
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., -- Autumn at the Ecosystem Revitalization at Rt. 66 project area (North of Central, on the west side of the Rio Grande). This is near one of the pedestrian bridges installed to encourage recreational use of the area. Photo taken Oct. 16, 2012 by Alicia Austin Johnson.
COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO., -- These two animals wandered through the channel during an infrastructure inspection during the Waldo Canyon Post Fire, July 10, 2012. Photo by Cheryl Buckel.
ABIQUIU DAM, N.M., -- Albuquerque District Archaeologists Jeremy Decker, Gregory Everhart and Jonathan Van Hoose survey a historic site at the District’s Abiquiu Dam, Sept. 28, 2012. Photo by Ariane Pinson.
ABIQUIU DAM, N.M., -- View of mountains to the north from the District’s Abiquiu project. Photo by Ariane Pinson, Sept. 26, 2012.
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., -- Autumn at the Ecosystem Revitalization at Rt. 66 project area (North of Central, on the west side of the Rio Grande). This is near one of the pedestrian bridges installed to encourage recreational use of the area. Photo taken Oct. 16, 2012 by Alicia Austin Johnson.

2012 Photo Drive Entries

COCHITI LAKE, N.M., -- The Tetilla Peak recreation area at Cochiti Lake has amazing sunsets. Sept. 29, 2012 happened to be a golden one. Photo by Karyn Matthews.
COCHITI LAKE, N.M., -- View of a summer storm coming in at the lake, Sept. 29, 2012. Photo by Karyn Matthews.
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., -- Surveyors taking information for a newly constructed pedestrian bridge, part of the Middle Rio Grande Restoration Project Oct. 15, 2012 in the Bosque near Tingley Ponds. Photo by Jacob Chavez.
SOCCORO COUNTY, N.M., -- View of an irrigation channel near the San Acacia Levee. Taken on Sept. 23, 2012. Photo by Gary Edwards.
COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO., -- Some of the collaboration among Corps, local and state officials during an inspection of infrastructure during the Waldo Canyon Post Fire. Photo by Cheryl Buckel, July 10, 2012.
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., -- Excavating a willow swale in the South Valley Bosque Nov. 29, 2011, as part of the Middle Rio Grande Restoration Project. Photo by Jacob Chavez.
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., -- An excavator fills a loader after a channel dig Oct. 25, 2012 as part of the Middle Rio Grande Restoration Project in the Bosque near Tingley Ponds. Photo by Jacob Chavez.
TRINIDAD LAKE, COLO., -- Some of the ducks at Trinidad Lake enjoy the water in this May 15, 2012, photo by Marvin Urban.
CONCHAS DAM, N.M., -- The powerhouse at Conchas Dam, June 21, 2012. Photo by Michael Porter.
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., -- Sunflowers along the banks of the Rio Grande on Aug. 17, 2012. Photo by Ondrea Hummel.
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., -- The Albuquerque Biological Park Wetlands on Oct. 16, 2012. Photo by Ondrea Hummel.
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., -- A view of the Rio Grande with the Sandia Mountains in the background, Oct. 24, 2012. Photo by Ondrea Hummel.
CANNON AIR FORCE BASE, N.M., -- Work on one of the many District's projects at the base Aug. 30, 2012. Photo by Phillip Roybal.
CANNON AIR FORCE BASE, N.M., -- Pipes at one of the many District projects at the base, Aug. 30, 2012. Photo by Phillip Roybal.
CANNON AIR FORCE BASE, N.M., -- One of the many District projects at the base, Aug. 30, 2012. Photo by Phillip Roybal.
ANTELOPE WELLS, N.M., -- Sunset taken by an employee near a District project in the region. Photo taken July 25, 2012, by Tom Plummer.
ABIQUIU DAM, N.M., -- The District’s Abiquiu project office with the Cerro Pedernal in the background on Sept. 26, 2012. Photo by Ariane Pinson.
ABIQUIU, N.M., -- An early morning view taken next to the highway adjacent to the District’s Abiquiu project. Photo by Cheryl Buckel, Oct. 8, 2010.