1. Load a model
After starting up the RiverWare Viewer, select model load from the main menu bar at the top of the workspace. Open the Water Operations model file you downloaded from the web. The model will be loaded into the workspace.
2. Model Info Dialog
A model dialog box pops up when you load the model. The dialog box stores a history of when and by whom a model was saved. Close the dialog box.
3. Object Palette
From the main menu bar select Workspace and click the on Objects. A dropdown menu will appear. Then click on the object palette which shows the RiverWare symbols. Move your mouse over each icon to see a description of each.
4. Locator View
From the main menu bar select Workspace and click on open Locator View. A RiverWare box pops up that shows the model from top to bottom. Left click, hold and drag the mouse to move the selection box to desired location. Close the Locator View box.
5. View data in slots
Open the Cochiti object by double clicking (left) on the object in workspace window. A dialog box will appear with all the reservoir parameters for this object. To plot inflow click on the slot and then click on the plot icon in the dialog box. To tabulate data from slot double click on slot. To open other objects in the model follow the same procedure as above. To view accounts or methods click on tab in dialog box. Not all objects have accounts or methods. You can also use the menu bar to open and plot slots.
You can also locate Cochiti object with the locator viewer as described above in 3 or scroll with your mouse to the location.
6. Plot data
From the main menu bar select Utilities then drop down and select the Output Management Option. Click on Output Management a list of customized plots will appear on the dialog box. Click on AbiquiuOpsPC and then click on generate on the dialog box. A plot will appear with Abiquiu storage, inflow and outflow.
7. Zoom in on plots
From the graph dialog box move mouse to desired location on the graph and hold the left mouse button and move up and to the right to the end of the point of interest.
8. Observe the data
Not all data slots or data objects have data in them. Some slots are for comparison purposes only. The observed data has not been imported into the model. Other slots would be computed on January 1 of the following year.
9. View slots simultaneously SCT (System Control Table)
From the main menu bar click on Utilities a drop down menu appears select SCT-new. A SCT dialog box will appear. Click on slots on the main menu bar and then click on insert before select new slots. A slot selector dialog box appears select stream gage and then select stream gage below Cochiti and also select Blw Cochiti Gage Inflow and then click on ok. Slot data will be loaded on SCT dialog box. Click on time steps select aggregation config dialog box appears that’s you select time step. Click on one month and click on ok. The SCT changes to monthly data reporting the last value for the month. Click on 5/31/09 at the bottom of the box you will see max, min avg, range and sum for the month in cfs.