User Manual
The User Manual for URGWOM provides background information on all the various aspects of the setup of URGWOM that should be considered when setting up the different applications of the model. Discussion is included on actual operations and factors affecting the setup of an Accounting Model run using data for actual operations. Model assumptions for representing all the aspects of operations for rulebased simulations are also reviewed for consideration when setting up Annual Operating Plans (AOPs) model runs or planning runs. All the various user controls in URGWOM are reviewed with references to specific slots in the model. Specific steps are presented for setting up the master model file for an Accounting Model, AOP model, or planning model application, and steps are also included for setting up a model run for historical operations for periodic reviews of the model calibration. General background information on configuring a computer for using URGWOM is also included.
The Accounting Model application of URGWOM is used by the Bureau of Reclamation’s (Reclamation) Albuquerque Area Office for updating the status of accounts for contractors for San Juan-Chama Project water and other water users in the Rio Grande Basin in New Mexico.
AOP model runs are completed with URGWOM through a current calendar year to forecast operations and resulting flows with consideration for the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and National Weather Service (NWS) forecasted runoff volumes for different locations in the basin.
The Planning Model application of URGWOM is used to complete daily timestep rulebased simulations for different operation scenarios to evaluate subsequent long-term impacts of proposed actions on various indicators including deliveries to water users, river flows, interstate Compact deliveries and the Compact status, and the overall water budget. Past versions of URGWOM have been used to evaluate alternatives for the Upper Rio Grande Water Operations Environmental Impact Statement (Corps, Reclamation, and ISC, 2007b) and to complete analyses for the Population and Habitat Viability Assessment Hydrology ad hoc Work Group (PHVA Work Group) of the Middle Rio Grande Endangered Species Collaborative Program (Collaborative Program) for preparing a Biological Assessment on Rio Grande water operations (Reclamation, 2013).
As a result of a better understanding of potential agreements and actions in the Basin along with changes to improve the efficiency for modeling, significant changes have recently been made to the URGWOM ruleset used to set deliveries and demands in the Basin and represent policy for operating all the facilities in the system.
Database Management Plan
A plan was refined for administration of the database for the URGWOM to develop a simplified approach and established protocol for maintaining all the records in the database and using the database for all applications of URGWOM. The plan was developed to utilize all the latest RiverWare capabilities including the latest data management interface (DMI) dialog in RiverWare and Initialization rules. The plan was developed for version 5.0.2 of URGWOM that includes all the latest accounting and rule changes and includes the model layout, methods, and other recent updates for the latest work to update to the calibration for the Middle Valley portion of URGWOM. The Database Plan can be accessed using the link below:
Physical Model
Documentation of the physical model is currently being revised to reflect the significant changes for the Middle Valley Calibration; however, information pertaining to the model setup for areas other than the Middle Valley (including discussion of river routing and the methods and assumptions used to develop loss coefficients) is accurate and available through the link below. Please refer to this report in the interim while a full revision is being developed.
This PHYGRAPH file contains plots of data used to develop travel times and loss rates.