News Story Archive

Tag: endangered species
  • July

    Corps Checks Progress of Ecosystem Restoration

    The Corps has been actively involved in restoring the ecosystem of the Middle Rio Grande since 2007, when the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District initiated projects incorporating ecosystem revitalization along Route 66.
  • May

    District Restores Ecosystems with River Engineering

    River engineering is the process of planned human intervention in the course or flow of a river with the intention of producing a benefit, like reduced flooding or easier passage. While involved in river engineering today, the Corps has increased the emphasis on protecting and restoring the environment.
  • December

    Corps and Partners Celebrate Bosque Restoration Project

    The Corps of Engineers and six other agency partners gathered at Albuquerque’s Tingley Beach Nov. 18 to conduct a groundbreaking ceremony in celebration of the beginning of the construction phase of habitat restoration work planned for several areas along the Middle Rio Grande.
  • June

    Corps Program Recruits Minnows

    Endangered animals frequently survive in natural habitats that have been grossly altered or have largely disappeared due to human or natural causes. In the case of the endangered Rio Grande silvery minnow, water development projects and practices on the Rio Grande and the Pecos River have contributed to the elimination of this fish from most of its original range.
  • April

    District Monitors Success One Fish at a Time

    If suitable habitat is built in the Middle Rio Grande, and river flows are adjusted to more closely mimic natural flows, will the endangered Rio Grande silvery minnow become abundant once again?
  • February

    Tribes Step Forward to Sponsor Work

    When the sponsor for the Española Basin project pulled its support for this flood risk management study in 1996, people assumed that the project was finished. But in 2004, an alliance of three Pueblos, Ohkay Owingeh, Santa Clara and San Ildefonso, devised a new, holistic vision for the project that made ecosystem restoration the centerpiece of river and flood management efforts.