On March 16, 2013, the Albuquerque District took a historic step in the national and Corps-wide STEM initiative.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education plays a critical role in enabling the U.S. to remain the economic and technological leader in the global marketplace, and enabling the Department of Defense and Army to protect our nation’s security.
A formal ceremony was held at the University of New Mexico where the District entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with the University of New Mexico. Col. Nelson, Deputy Commander, South Pacific Division, participated in the ceremony.
“This partnership agreement we are signing today formally acknowledges our joint commitment to create learning opportunities that will inspire the next generation to follow in our footsteps in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math,” said Nelson.
The agreement states its purpose is to “commit the two organizations to work together to enhance opportunities in STEM education and career paths especially for minorities and women beginning with outreach activities targeting middle school students and teachers and continuing throughout the K‐20+ pipeline.”
It further states, “We recognize that a workforce comprised of diverse, high performing individuals, with valuable talents and strengths including STEM skills, is critical to providing excellent services to all Corps customers, especially soldiers and their families. We also acknowledge current research that shows the United States is not preparing nearly enough graduates with the STEM skills to fill the positions that are and will be needed in our country’s workforce – public and private.”
“We believe that nothing is more important than encouraging a new generation of students to become engineers and scientists” said Nelson. “The Corps of Engineers is proud to partner with the University of New Mexico for this important, nationwide STEM initiative.”
While this agreement is the official start of the cooperation between the District and UNM, the District has supported STEM opportunities with UNM in the past with events such as the Science Olympiad in February.