ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Albuquerque District welcomes volunteers to continue the annual tradition of public service by participating in this year’s National Public Lands Day on Saturday, Sept. 24. See below for information on events at lakes in the USACE-Albuquerque District.
Thousands of volunteers are expected to support USACE projects participating in this year’s National Public Lands Day (NPLD), the largest annual volunteer hands-on restoration activity of its kind. Last year 4,100 volunteers served 17,000 hours on USACE-managed lands, removing 47,300 pounds of trash, cleaning 434 miles of roadways and shoreline, maintaining 60 miles of trails, improving 503 acres of habitat, and engaging 141 partner organizations.
This year, USACE will waive day use fees normally charged at boat launch ramps and swimming beaches at its recreation areas nationwide in recognition of National Public Lands Day on Saturday, Sept. 24.
The waiver does not apply to camping and camping-related services, or fees for specialized facilities such as group picnic shelters. Other agencies and partners that manage recreation areas located on USACE lands are encouraged, but not required, to comply with this waiver of day use fees in the areas they manage.
Volunteers who participate in one of USACE’s NPLD in-person activities will be issued a fee-free coupon if the volunteer site is participating in the coupon program. Volunteers should check with their local USACE project for more information. The fee-free coupon is valid for one year from the date of issuance and may be used for one day of entrance or day use fees at any participating federal agency’s park, forest or recreation area that charges either of these types of fees.
National Public Lands Day is the nation's largest, single-day volunteer event for public lands. Established in 1994 and held annually on the fourth Saturday in September, the event brings out
thousands of volunteers to help restore and improve public lands around the country.
National Public Lands Day events in the Albuquerque District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers:
Abiquiu Lake, New Mexico:
When: Saturday, Sept. 24, 2022
Time: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm (Please note the updated time!)
Additional Information: Volunteers will be able to participate in a variety of projects including recreation area painting and construction projects; gardening; habitat protection; flagpole installation; trash clean up along the shore; and trail maintenance.
For more information call the Abiquiu Lake Project Office at 505-685-4371.
Abiquiu Lake website:
Follow Abiquiu Lake on Facebook:
Cochiti Lake, New Mexico:
When: Saturday, Sept. 24, 2022
Time: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
NOTE: There will be two projects running simultaneously, in separate sites for NPLD.
Planting for Pollinators: Ranger Malia will lead a planting session in the pollinator garden to help provide habitat for native pollinating birds and insects.
Lake Clean-Up: Ranger Cate will lead this event to remove trash from the area. For this project, please be prepared to bring your own kayak or canoe, paddle, and life jacket. Volunteers for this event will meet in the parking lot to the right of the Cochiti Boat Ramp on the morning of the event.
For either project, it’s highly recommended volunteers bring lunch, water, sunscreen, and appropriate outdoor clothing.
To register and reserve a spot for either project or to get more information, call the Cochiti Lake Project Office at 505-465-0307, or email Malia Sutphin at\
Cochiti Lake website:
Follow Cochiti Lake on Facebook:
Conchas Lake, New Mexico:
When: Saturday, Sept. 24, 2022
Time: 8:30 am
Additional Information: Volunteers will be able to participate in trail clean-up and cleaning of the “Indian Shelter.” Please meet at the large group shelter across the road from the USACE office at 8:30 am.
For more information call the Conchas Lake Project Office at 575-868-2221.
Conchas Lake website:
Follow Conchas Lake on Facebook:
John Martin Reservoir, Colorado:
Black Bridge Invasive Tamarisk Removal
When: Sat. Sept. 24 and Sun. Sept. 25, 2022
Time: 8:30 am to 3:30 pm on both days
Additional Information: Join USACE park rangers from John Martin Reservoir and volunteers from Rocky Mountain Field Institute, Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado, and Bent County 4-H in removing tamarisk from the Black Bridge recreation area and restoring the land for native wildlife and recreationists.
Why this makes a difference: Tamarisk, also known as salt cedar, is an invasive tree that hogs light, water, and nutrients, which harms native plants and the wildlife that depend on them. At Black Bridge, tamarisk has taken over the grasslands and riverbanks, resulting in less habitat for wildlife and fewer river access points for recreationists. By helping remove tamarisk, volunteers will be taking part in a multi-year effort to encourage native plant growth, improve recreational areas for visitors, and ultimately return the habitat to its natural state.
Volunteers should bring work gloves, work boots, sun protection (hat, sunscreen, and glasses), and plenty of water. Fee-Free coupons will be provided to volunteers (while supplies last).
To sign up, go to:
For more information, or details on how you or your organization can help, contact John Martin park ranger Sara Harrod at or call the John Martin Reservoir Project Office at 719-336-3476.
John Martin Reservoir website:
Follow John Martin Reservoir on Facebook:
Trinidad Lake, Colorado:
When: Saturday, Sept. 24, 2022
Time: 9:00 am to 11:30 am
Additional Information: Curious about what goes into building and caring for the trails at Trinidad Lake? Looking to give back to the trails you enjoy? Or want to learn what enables a trail to stand up to weather and high use? Join us to learn about caring for the trails and the environment this National Public Lands Day!
To register: come by the Trinidad Lake/Army Corps of Engineers Project Office between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday up to the 24th. The office is located at:10950 County Rd 18.3 Trinidad, CO 81082. Or call the Trinidad Lake Project Office at 719-846-7990 and ask for Kyle Sisco.
Trinidad Lake website:
Follow Trinidad Lake on Facebook: