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Discount Passes

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Expand List item 19226Collapse List item 19226  Can I still use my Golden Age/Access Pass?

Image of the Golden Access Passport

Image of the Golden Age Passport

The Golden Age and Access Passports are no longer being issued. However, Golden Age and Golden Access cards issued prior to December 31, 2006 will still be honored.  They are being replaced with the new America the Beautiful Discount Passes created by the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act of 2004, passed by Congress. The America the Beautiful Senior Pass will allow people 62 years old and older free entrance to federal Parks. The America the Beautiful Access Pass will allow people with permanent severe disabilities free entrance to federal Parks. Both of these passes allow the holder to a fifty (50) % discount on federal faculties such as camping, day use and boat ramps. The passes do not discount any materials or facilities offered by concessionaires.

Expand List item 19227Collapse List item 19227  Types of America the Beautiful Passes

NOTE: the following changes will be effective August 28, 2017:

While it will be honored for the lifetime of the holder, the America the Beautiful Interagency Senior Pass will be superceded by the America the Beautiful Interagency Senior Pass Lifetime and the America the Beautiful Interagency Senior Pass Annual.

Image of the front of the America the Beautiful Senior Pass - LifetimeAmerica the Beautiful Interagency Senior Lifetime Pass (Age 62 and older)

Cost: $80

Pass Information: The Interagency Senior Pass is valid for entrance fees and standard amenity recreation day use fees for all federal recreational lands and waters (Federal Agencies: BLM, USBR, FWS, USFS, NPS, and USACE). Valid for the lifetime of the holder of the pass.

NOTE: As of August 28, 2017, this pass supersedes the America the Beautiful Interagency Senior Pass.


Image of the front of the 2017 America the Beautiful Senior Pass -Annual

America the Beautiful Interagency Senior Annual Pass (Age 62 and older)

Cost: $20

Pass Information: The Interagency Senior Pass is valid for entrance fees and standard amenity recreation day use fees for all federal recreational lands and waters for one year from date of purchase. (Federal Agencies: BLM, USBR, FWS, USFS, NPS, and USACE)

NOTE: As of August 28, 2017, this pass supersedes the America the Beautiful Interagency Senior Pass.


Image of the front of the America the Beautiful Annual Senior PassAmerica the Beautiful Interagency Senior Pass (Age 62 and older)

Please NOTE: Effective August 28, 2017, this pass will no longer be issued. Existing passes will be honored for the lifetime of the holder.

Pass Information:The Interagency Senior Pass is valid for entrance fees and standard amenity recreation day use fees for all federal recreational lands and waters (Federal Agencies: BLM, USBR, FWS, USFS, NPS, and USACE). Valid for the lifetime of the holder of the pass. 




Image of the America the Beautiful Access PassAmerica the Beautiful Interagency Access Pass (for persons with permanent disabilities)

Cost: FREE (If pass is obtained through the mail from the USGS store, a $10 service charge will be added.)

Pass Information: The Interagency Access Pass is valid for entrance fees and standard amenity recreation day use fees for all federal recreational lands and waters (Federal Agencies: BLM, USBR, FWS, USFS, NPS, and USACE). 

Valid for the lifetime of the holder of the pass. Holders of this pass will receive a 50% discount on fees at federal facilities such as camping, day use and boat ramps. The passes do not discount any materials or facilities offered by concessionaires. Click here for more details.

Image of the America the Beautiful Interagency Annual PassAmerica the Beautiful Interagency Annual Pass

Cost: $80

Pass Information: The Interagency Annual Pass is valid for entrance fees
and standard amenity recreation day use fees for all federal recreational lands and waters (Federal Agencies: BLM, USBR, FWS, USFS, NPS, and USACE). Valid for one year from month of issue. Click here for more details.


Image of America the Beautiful Volunteer PassAmerica the Beautiful Interagency Volunteer Pass

Cost: FREE with 250 volunteer hours

Pass Information: The Interagency Volunteer Pass is valid for entrance
fees and standard amenity recreation day use fees for all federal recreational lands and waters (Federal Agencies: BLM, USBR, FWS, USFS, NPS, and USACE).

Issued to volunteers who accrue 250 volunteer hours within a 12-month period, provided they do not already have a valid Interagency Pass. Valid for one year from month of issue. Extra volunteer hours above the 250 cannot be banked toward the following year's Volunteer Annual Pass.

Image of the America the Beautiful Interagency Annual Military PassAmerica the Beautiful Interagency Annual Military Pass

Cost: FREE for Active Military & Dependents 

Pass Information: The Interagency Military Annual Pass is valid for
entrance fees and standard amenity recreation day use fees for all federal recreational lands and waters (Federal Agencies: BLM, USBR, FWS, USFS, NPS, and USACE).

Not available to Civilians or Veterans. Valid for one year from month of issue. Click here for more details. 


Image of the Every Kid in a Park discount pass


America the Beautiful Interagency Every Kid in a Park 4th Grade Pass

Cost: Go to to get the FREE pass or click on the image to the left to obtain the pass for free entry for you and your family to 2,000 federally managed lands and waters nationwide for an entire year starting September 1, 2015.

Pass Information: The pass does not cover expanded amenity fees such as camping, boat launching, parking, special tours, and special permits. In addition, at certain locations, private concessionaires and resorts manage some facilities and activities; the pass is not valid for these services. For questions about pass acceptance and fees at specific locations, please contact the site directly.

For Frequently Asked Questions about the Initiative, click here.

Every Kid in a Park news release click here

Image links to a USGS website with more information on the Senior Pass Image links to USGS website with more information about the Volunteer Pass Image links to USGS website with more information about the Volunteer Pass
Expand List item 19228Collapse List item 19228  What is the Corps Annual Day Use Pass?

Image of the USACE Annual Pass

The Corps Annual Day Use Pass allows you to use most Corps of Engineers day use areas all year for a $40.00 fee. The pass is valid for 1 year from month of purchase. 

In the Albuquerque District these passes are honored at Abiquiu, Cochiti, and Conchas lakes (in New Mexico).

Corps of Engineers lakes managed by state parks will not recognize the Corps of Engineers Annual Day Use Pass. John Martin Reservoir and Trinidad Lake, in Colorado, and Santa Rosa Lake and parts of Conchas Lake, in New Mexico, are managed by state parks. 


Expand List item 19229Collapse List item 19229  Where can I buy a Corps of Engineers annual day use pass?
In the Albuquerque District, Corps of Engineers annual day use passes are only valid at Corps of Engineers-managed recreation areas at Abiquiu Lake, Cochiti Lake, and Conchas Lake. These passes can be purchased from either the project office or the Campground Fee Attendant (where one exists) at Abiquiu, Cochiti, and Conchas lakes during their regular office hours. NOTE: For lakes with a Fee Attendant, hours change between the peak recreation season (April 15-Oct. 15) and the rest of the year. For current hours at Abiquiu call: 505-685-4371; for current hours at Cochiti call: 505-465-0307.