News Story Archive

Tag: Native American Tribes
  • July

    Santa Clara strives to build resilience to fires, floods

    Severe wildfires have raged through the upper reaches of the tribe’s lands in the past decade, with the 2011 Las Conchas Fire leaving about 80 percent of the pueblo’s watershed destroyed in its wake. The aftereffects pose an existential threat to the village.
  • October

    Santa Clara Pueblo and the Corps of Engineers: A Working Partnership between Two Nations

    "The partnership between USACE and the Santa Clara Pueblo is a fine example of why the Albuquerque District has the strongest Tribal Program in South Pacific Division. Flood Risk Management in the Santa Clara tribal area is incredibly important for the future of the Pueblo,” said Brig. Gen. Mark Toy, commander, South Pacific Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
  • April

    Corps Addresses Water Resource Challenges with Assistance from Native American Tribes

    In Albuquerque District’s area of responsibility, Native American Tribes or Pueblos control 80 percent of the land in the middle Rio Grande Valley. For the Corps to be successful in addressing any water resource challenge in the valley, be it endangered species or drought, tribes must be intimately involved in developing potential solutions.