News Story Archive

Tag: Regulatory Program
  • March

    Engaging with Tribes in the Regulatory Program

    The mission of the Regulatory Program is to protect the Nation's aquatic resources and navigable capacity, while allowing for reasonable development, through fair and balanced decisions. In the context of the Regulatory Program, Tribes may be an applicant for a permit, a consulting party under Section 106, or in a government-to-government consultation.
  • February

    Albuquerque District, Regulatory Division, Approved Jurisdictional Determination for Little Rock Mine

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Program, routinely conducts determinations of geographic jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA). Section 404 geographic jurisdiction is referred to as “waters of the U.S.”
  • August

    What Can the Corps do? Wildfire Effects Mitigation Authorities Explained

    The Corps has some limited authority to address flood hazards within watersheds affected by wildfires. The Corps’ emergency assistance is intended, by law, to be temporary in order to meet immediate threats. It is not intended to provide permanent solutions to flooding problems. Categories of emergency assistance permitted under Public Law 84-99 include: