WASHINGTON – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) announced that beginning Jan. 1, 2016, approximately 240 of its recreation projects nationwide will begin issuing America the Beautiful National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Interagency Passes.
Currently, USACE accepts the Interagency Senior and Access passes at its recreation projects, but is not allowed to sell or issue the passes. The Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014, signed into law on June 10, 2014, granted the Secretary of the Army the authority to participate fully in the America the Beautiful Interagency Pass Program.
Beginning in January, visitors to the approximately 240 designated USACE recreation projects will be able to purchase or obtain the following interagency recreation passes -- Interagency Senior Pass, Interagency Access Pass, Interagency Annual Pass, Interagency Military Pass, Interagency Every Kid in a Park 4th Grade Pass, and Interagency Volunteer Pass.
For more information about each pass listed, click here.
These passes will allow their holders free access to boat launches and swimming beaches managed by USACE. The senior and access America the Beautiful passes also provide holders a 50 percent discount on campsites at USACE-managed campgrounds. Additionally, USACE will continue to sell its own annual day use pass, which allows visitors free access to boat launches and swimming beaches managed by USACE.
For information on the America the Beautiful passes, visit
http://store.usgs.gov/pass/annual.html, or phone 1-888-275-8747, option 3.
Additionally, the Interagency Pass Program allows each of the federal agencies to retain and reinvest revenues collected from the sale of passes at the project level. USACE plans to reinvest its revenues at the projects where the fees are collected.
USACE is the nation’s largest federal provider of outdoor recreation, managing more than 400 lake and river projects in 43 states and hosting more than 370 million visits per year. With 90 percent of these recreation areas within 50 miles of metropolitan areas they provide a diverse range of outdoor activities close to home and to people of all ages.