The District Resource Management (RM) team’s vision is, and has always been, to continuously build value to our customers via our reputation for strong fiscal accountability.
We strive to achieve this by staying well-informed on district, regional and national priorities and supporting our leaders, decision makers and customers with current and reliable financial and resource information.
One of the most exciting, albeit stressful, characteristics of Corps districts is the diversity and volatility of our funding sources. This means the majority of the USACE workforce relies upon a continued and consistent flow of new projects requiring the Corps’ problem solving capabilities.
In the current age of economic struggle and uncertainty, availability of resources are limited, and the nation is once again calling on its government to keep us safe and secure and to do its part to foster economic recovery and growth, only now maybe with less resources than we’ve been provided in the past. To do our part to remain a strong and highly relevant organization, we must be able to consistently demonstrate successful, high quality and enduring results, and be actively engaged in the process of identifying potential future priorities that will naturally call upon USACE capabilities.
As we proceed into FY 11 and beyond, the RM team will fulfill its role in achieving our goals by ensuring our workforce has the training and knowledge necessary to make legal and prudent fiscal decisions and can properly and efficiently account for the work we perform for our customers. We will achieve this by continuing our emphasis on teaching practical fiscal law concepts and financial business processes, as well as training the District team on how to use CEFMS effectively. We are partnering with managers to expand the use of direct time and attendance input to CEFMS, a change that we hope will streamline and add consistency to our payroll accounting.
We will continue to engage across District functions to improve our processes and ability to properly account for assets, cost-shared projects and matching of our period financial expenditures with work performed. In addition, we will work with our corporate service providers, such as ACE-IT, to identify and achieve cost savings.
RM has taken on a new role of overseeing implementation of the USACE Quality Management System (QMS) in the District. We believe an effective implementation of QMS will provide the transparency and accountability our customers and the nation rely on.
Overall, RM looks forward to helping the District realize continued success and sustained value to the nation in 2011 and beyond.