News Story Archive

District Leadership Convenes to Refresh the O-Plan

Published Nov. 1, 2010

To help ensure long-term success, a group of nearly 70 people gathered together Oct. 27-29 to refine and update the District’s Operations Plan, or O-Plan, as well as align the plan with the Division’s Implementation Plan and USACE’s Campaign Plan.

The three-day session began with Lt. Col. Williams’ explaining his intent and setting expectations for the conference, and then the participants thoroughly reviewed employee input from the Command Climate Survey. Additionally, the group analyzed and integrated customer survey results.

“We examined multiple opportunities relating to the District’s future success and conducted a detailed ‘strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis,’” Lt. Col. Williams said. “The review helped us more clearly define tasks we can accomplish to be even better at what we already do well.”

A smaller team broke from the larger group to specifically focus on process improvement, or PDT protocol.

Overall, the critical look at the actions in the District’s O-Plan yielded group consensus that there needs to be a high degree of employee involvement and input to achieve future success.

“Things we do well strengthen our District and our ability to execute our mission, and we can do better if we listen to employee feedback and respond,” the Commander said. “We also need to play close attention to our customers’ feedback and comments. Finally, we’ll ensure our success by aligning our O-Plan with regional actions and national goals.”

Why We Plan: To Create Value!

For Our People:
Rewarding work
Attractive career path
Continuous learning
Favorable environment

For Our Customers:
High Quality
On-time and On-Budget
Always safe

For Our District:
More work
Recognition as a leader

For The Corps:
Local, Regional, and National Value