LOUISVILLE, Ky. – Lt. Gen. Todd Semonite recognized Bev Noel-Chavez, chief of the Albuquerque District’s Operations Support Branch, Feb. 28, 2018, for her service as the CISM Coordinator.
The USACE Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) team helps US Army Corps of Engineer employees who have experienced a traumatic event such as a line-of-duty death or injury; employee suicide; or a drowning at a Corps’ lake. The team’s volunteer peer supporters use stress education, confidential on-scene group or one-on-one interventions, post-visit follow-ups and referrals to the Employee Assistance Program to provide “emotional first aid.” These peer supporters are also USACE employees.
The Louisville District hosted this year’s annual training which had 52 peer supporters in attendance Feb. 26 – March 2, 2018. The training coincided with a visit to the Louisville District by Semonite, USACE’s Commanding General and 54th U.S. Army Chief of Engineers. He made a cameo appearance at the training and recognized Noel, presenting her with a commander’s coin.
“I am honored to have led the national Critical Incident Stress Management team and our efforts to take care of the Corps workforce with traumatic events,” said Noel.
“LTG Semonite stressed that what this group does is important and we need to do a better job in making everyone aware of the program and its capabilities,” said Louisville District Commander Col. Antoinette Gant. “Having the Chief recognize Bev Noel, from the Albuquerque District, for her service as the CISM Coordinator was icing on the cake.”