ABIQUIU LAKE, N.M. -- Abiquiu Lake staff hosted the first River Class of the 2017-2018 school year, Sept. 6, 2017. The class is designed to get local fourth, fifth and sixth grade students interested in science and math through monthly visits to the Rio Chama below Abiquiu Dam where they will take water quality readings, sample aquatic macro invertebrates, and learn about the local ecosystem and river health. This visit was aimed to get the students familiarized with the river and what they will be learning about the rest of the year.
Abiquiu Lake project manager John Mueller gave a brief welcome describing the Corps’ mission and provided water safety information to the 10 students in the class. Mueller also assisted with the class activities and river familiarization.
This is the fourth year the class has been visiting Abiquiu Lake and the program is funded by a grant to the New Mexico Wildlife Center from the North Face Explore Fund.

Abiquiu Lake project manager John Mueller assists one of the students with his waders before they head to the river, Sept. 6, 2017.

The students familiarized themselves with walking in the river in waders, Sept. 6, 2017.

Christy Wall, (in grey hat) director of science and education with the New Mexico Wildlife Center, shows students some of the insects and rocks she found on the riverbed, Sept. 6, 2017.

J Ortiz with the Española public schools gifted and talented program, and one of the students look at rocks they found on the riverbed, Sept. 6, 2017.