News Releases by Month

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to present Earth Day "Birds of Abiquiu Lake" bird monitoring program

USACE-Albuquerque District public affairs
Published April 18, 2023

ABIQUIU LAKE, N.M. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Albuquerque District is scheduled to host a bird identification and count event for the public for Earth Day at the lake on April 22, 2023, starting at 8:00 am.

Registration will begin at 8 am at the Abiquiu Lake Cerrito Recreation Area Boat Ramp at Group Shelter 3. The event is free, and everyone is welcome to participate.

Local avian experts Catherine Eagleson and Willie Picaro, of the Friends of Abiquiu Lake Group, will be leading volunteer groups to count and identify various bird species in the Abiquiu Lake area. The purpose of this activity is to monitor the importance of Abiquiu Lake serving as a stopover and habitat for local avian species.

Volunteers are encouraged to bring binoculars as well as weather appropriate clothing for spring in northern New Mexico.

The Abiquiu Lake Cerrito Recreation area is located off Highway 96, approximately 1 mile west of the Highway 84 junction. Stay to the right on Boat Ramp Road; Group Shelter 3 will be on the right at the top of the ramp adjoining the playground.

For additional information, contact the Abiquiu Lake Project Office at 505-685-4371.


Pamela Bowie

Release no. 23-004