News Story Archive

Archive: April, 2012
  • April

    FUDS Exhibit Draws a Crowd at El Centro Air Show

    Have you ever been outside riding your bike or camping and stumbled upon something that looked suspiciously like a bomb or a dangerous object? If you did, what was your reaction? Did you want to pick it up? Well don’t do it!!! If you didn’t drop it, don’t pick it up! RECOGNIZE!! RETREAT!! REPORT!! These were the messages the Corps’ Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) team was communicating during the El Centro, Calif., Air Show March 10.
  • Working on Engineering a World Away

    When Project Manager Michael Fies joined the Corps in 2000, he told his wife, who is Japanese, that he would keep an eye open for an opportunity to do a tour of duty in Japan. Seven years later, a position came open in Pacific Ocean Division, Japan District (POJ).
  • Kirtland Gets More Room for Space Development and Test

    Members of the District joined Kirtland Air Force Base leadership, public officials and many others in a celebration March 15 for the completion of new building 415a for research. The project is a two-story, open storage building that will support the mission of the base’s Space Development and Test Directorate.