Leveraging Technology to Prevent Looting and Destruction of Archaeological Sites: Real-Time Effects Cultural Evaluation Networking Tracking, Planning, and Sensitivity Tool (RECENTPAST); presented by Michael Fedoroff (bio PDF), from USACE-TNTCX and Brian Zettle (bio PDF), from USACE-SAM.
Increased demand for illegally obtained artifacts results in widespread destruction and looting of archaeological sites on Federal property. New and innovative approaches must be taken to combat such activities. The RECENTPAST Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tool was developed by United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Tribal Nations Technical Center and Mobile District to manage cultural resources with the best technology available. This technological strategy has aided in the conviction of several looting cases within the District and transformed a reactive management strategy into a proactive strategy of stewardship. Additionally, it has been implemented in offshore dredging applications aiding in cultural resource protection offshore.