The Pueblo of San Felipe is located in Sandoval County in central New Mexico, approximately 25 miles north of Albuquerque and 40 miles south of Santa Fe. The Pueblo encompasses nearly 50,000 acres that straddle the Rio Grande and Interstate 25. The historic Pueblo is located on the west bank immediately adjacent to the Rio Grande. The remainder of the Pueblo is located east of the Rio Grande. The study area includes the Rio Grande floodplain, and several major and minor arroyo watersheds. The major watersheds include the Tonque, de la Vega de los Tanos, San Francisco, Maria Chavez and Lamita arroyos. The study area potentially includes these watersheds even though the boundaries of the watersheds may fall outside the boundary of Pueblo lands. All of these arroyos, except the Lamita, drain the Sandia and Ortiz mountain foothills east of the Pueblo. The Lamita Arroyo flows out of the Santa Ana mesa to the southwest of the Pueblo. The primary threats from flooding of houses, public buildings, agricultural crops and irrigation infrastructure come from these arroyos.