The study area is the Chinle Creek Watershed, commonly referred to as “Chinle Wash,” within the Navajo Nation Indian Reservation Federal boundaries, located in southeast Utah, northeast Arizona, and northwest New Mexico, south of the San Juan and covers an area approximately 1,730 square miles in size. Chinle Creek provides essential traditional and recreational resources for those living within the Navajo Nation. Watershed challenges to be examined include; 1) Increased flood risk to property, infrastructure, life safety, human health, and cultural/natural resources, 2) Increased risk of environmental and ecosystem damages from erosion, aeolian transport, and sediment deposition/siltation, 3) Water quality degradation in ground and surface water creates public health and environmental risks, 4) Habitats and ecosystems have become impaired through various environmental mechanisms, 5) A lack of adequate water supply and distribution infrastructure systems exists throughout the watershed.