Public Meeting Presentation

Click here to view the video presentation (with audio) from the Dec. 11, 2024 public meeting.

Click here to view just the slides in a .pdf file (no audio) from the meeting. 

Outcomes of the Conchas Lodge Partial Renovation Study

We've completed our study and found that renovation of Conchas Lodge is not economically or structurally feasible.

Current efforts are focused on proper historical data collection and documentation of the site, terminating utilities, remediating hazardous material such as asbestos containing materials and lead based products (ACMs and LBPs) from each structure, and demolishing all vertical elements down to the surface of concrete slab(s). Vertical elements included are structures, utility risers/components, railings, storage tanks, and proper disposal of all items.

Additionally, efforts could include removing elements such as concrete foundations / slabs / stairs / pedestals / sidewalks and grading and shaping of disturbed area for the entire site (excluding paved parking). All prepared surfaces would receive native vegetation seeding.

South elevation, original lodge, as depicted in Master Recreation Plan, Conchas Dam Project, Corps of Engineers, Albuquerque District, May 1947, Plate No. 10. The drawing is signed, Melvin Faust.
The original Conchas Lodge floor plan, as depicted in Master Recreation Plan, Conchas Dam Project, Corps of Engineers, Albuquerque District, May 1947, Plate No. 10.
Foundation remains of the bathhouse and former pool area on the terrace below the lakeside elevation of the Conchas Lodge. Left of the staircase is the porch that was extended and enclosed in 1959. (Photo: K. Hill, May 2012)
The front of the Lodge showing the damaged roof, Feb. 1, 2023.
"Fisherman’s Wharf” was constructed in 1949 as an accessory lodging facility. The building lacks the sandstone masonry character of the original lodge, but repeats the general scale, gable pitch, and continuous porch. (Photo: “Building Evaluations,” prepared by the Albuquerque District, 2005)
The great hall in Conchas Lodge, looking southeast, with the corner fireplace, May 2012.
Severe floor and ceiling damage can be seen in the main room of Conchas Lodge, March 6, 2023.
The east wall of the Coffee shop showing the damage present, Feb. 27, 2024.
Photo showing interior water damage in the walls and ceiling collapse at the Lodge, Feb. 8, 2024.

How we got here


Approved by President Franklin Roosevelt on July 29, 1935, Conchas Dam was a Works Relief Program under the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act (ERAA) of 1935.

Later it was included in the Flood Control Act of 1936. In addition to flood control, the dam also aided in irrigation practices. The project was a joint effort of the Works Progress Administration, the Public Works Administration, and the Civilian Conservation Corps.

The National Park Service used material removed from the nearby town that housed workers during construction and incorporated them in the construction of the Lodge. Unlike the Corps’ administration and housing buildings, Conchas Lodge incorporated a combination of styles typical to the cultural history of the Southwestern United States.

Current Conditions

The Lodge has been closed and disused since the departure of its last concessionaire in 2005 and has experienced ongoing deterioration in the years since. Additionally, the results of a Hazardous Materials Survey found asbestos containing materials, lead based paint, and lead containing materials present in various materials at Conchas Lodge and the surrounding buildings. The effects of abandonment and vandalism have become more apparent, raising concern about the Corps’ stewardship of Conchas Lodge.

Future Possibilities

Multiple options to document the history of Conchas Lodge are currently under investigation. Current alternatives for consideration include documentation of oral and written histories, interpretive signage, education products, and markers. Additional public input will be essential for making an informed decision about preserving the history of Conchas Lodge and meeting obligations under the National Historic Preservation Act.

How to submit comments:

We, the Corps, want to hear from people who live, visit, or have connections to Conchas Lodge. Your feedback will help us choose and refine alternatives for making an informed decision about preserving the history of Conchas Lodge. Comments should be submitted by Dec. 9, 2024, for the project team to consider your ideas as we develop alternatives to preserve the history of Conchas Lodge. 

Thank you for joining us and providing your ideas.

You can submit comments using any of the following methods:

• Fill out the comment form and return it to:

• Provide comments in a letter or use the comment form and mail to:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Environmental Resources Section (Attn: Ms. Dana Price)

4101 Jefferson Plaza NE

Albuquerque, NM 87109