Presentation for Public and Agency Input
The Albuquerque District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is hosting an online review to provide information and receive public input on the draft revision of the Master Plan for Conchas Lake.
Normally, USACE would conduct a face-to-face public workshop to announce the final draft of the Master Plan and to request comments from the public. However, precautions associated with the COVID-19 virus have made it necessary to conduct the public involvement process online instead of hosting a face-to-face workshop.
Please view the following storyboard presentation at the link provided, or download the pdf version to read the presentation. The existing Master Plan documents and map are available to download in the "Links" menu on the left side of the page as well as a comment form with instruction on how to send comments.
Click here to watch the storyboard presentation.
Click here to read the .pdf version of the storyboard presentation.
General Information
The Albuquerque District, USACE, is revising the Conchas Lake Master Plan. The Master Plan is intended to serve as a comprehensive land and recreational management plan with a life span of 25 years. It guides the stewardship of natural and cultural resources and the provision of outdoor recreation facilities and opportunities to ensure sustainability of federal land associated with Conchas Lake.
About Conchas Lake

Conchas Lake and Dam is a multipurpose project built for flood control and irrigation. The dam controls a 7,409 square mile drainage area. Congress authorized its construction under the 1935 Emergency Relief Act. In 1936, the dam was transferred to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and now provides 330,000 acre-feet of water conservation and irrigation for neighboring farmers. Privately owned cattle ranches surround most of Conchas Lake and Dam.
The current Master Plan for Conchas Lake was completed in September 1976 and is in need of revision to address changes in regional land use, population, outdoor recreation trends, and USACE management policy. Key topics addressed in the revised Master Plan include revised land classifications, new natural and recreational resource management objectives, recreation facility needs, and special topics such as invasive species management and threatened and endangered species habitat. Public participation and feedback is critical to the successful revision of the Master Plan.
What is a Master Plan?
The Master Plan is the strategic land use management document that guides the comprehensive management and development of all project recreational, natural, and cultural resources throughout the life of the water resources project.
Why Revise the Conchas Lake Master Plan?
The current Master Plan for Conchas Lake was completed in 1976 and is in need of revision to address changes in regional land use, population, outdoor recreation trends, and USACE management policy. (Click here to view the 1976 Master Plan.) Key topics addressed in the revised Master Plan include revised land classifications, new natural and recreational resource management objectives, recreation facility needs, and special topics such as invasive species management and threatened and endangered species habitat. Public participation is critical to the successful revision of the Master Plan.

How can the public participate in developing the revised plan?
We want your input on the Master Plan revision and any related environmental comments under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Your participation is key to a successful Master Plan!