SANTA CLARA PUEBLO, N.M. – During South Pacific Division Commander Col. (P) Mark Toy’s visit to the Albuquerque District, he toured the Santa Clara burn scar July 16, 2014, where he discussed flood risk management measures and options with Santa Clara Pueblo Governor Michael Chavarilla and other tribal officials. This was Toy’s first visit to the district after assuming command of the South Pacific Division, June 30, 2014. (L-R): Jeff Lyons, (GIS specialist for Santa Clara); Matt Tafoya, Director of Santa Clara Forestry; Jeff Daniels, chief of the district’s Readiness and Contingency Operations Branch; Regis Chavarria, Santa Clara Tribal Sheriff; District Commander Lt. Col. Patrick Dagon; John D’Antonio, Deputy District Engineer and Planning, Programs and Project Management Division chief; Governor Michael Chavarilla; SPD Commander Col (P) Mark Toy; Joe Chavarria, Santa Clara Tribal Administrator; Steve Boberg, hydraulic engineer with the District; Ron Kneebone, District Tribal Coordinator.